Monday, January 26, 2009

getting closer

It looks like today is going to be the day. We got the call at 6:19 this morning to come to the hospital. They checked Carrie out and then gave her some tablets to induce labour. At 1pm her doctor broke her water and now we are just waiting for her body to respond. So far everything is going well.


  1. Holy cow!!! So you could be holding your baby while I am commenting to your post. Tell Carrie to keep up the good work. You guys are awesome!! Can't wait to see pictures of Max.

  2. just a little update. Carrie is at 7cm and 100%. Dr says another three hours to get to 10.

    my cell number is six four seven 206 zero zero four six the cell is on and I'm awake.

  3. I am so excited for you both. it is finnally here. love you

  4. Geesh!!!! Totally fake me out why don't you, Amy. I have been watching this blog for like the last hour, just waiting for there to be an update. Then I saw there was 5 comments and I was totally expecting to see "HE'S HERE!!!" But no, it was just you being just as excited as I am.
    Jared & Carrie we are all waiting with anxiously.

  5. carrie is now @ 10 but the baby is still pretty high so it's still going to be awhile. it's 11:14pm here now so Max may not bee here until the 27th

  6. Geesh he's a mama's boy already! Tell him enough already kid...

  7. yeah this boy just doesn't want to come out

  8. the nurse just said half an hour before she can start pushing

  9. I guess we are shooting for the 27th. Max had us all faked out.

  10. You know he is just waiting for the rest of us to go to sleep or walk away from our computers. Or he is just making sure he has everyone's attention.

  11. Crap, why didn't I get on my computer sooner!!!
    Hi everyone! Man, this little guy is a stinker! I wonder how much he will weigh and how long he will be!

  12. yeah It's looking more and more like it's going to be the 27th

    oh phone calls to all of you guys/girls might have to wait till we get home. long distance calls from our house are free but the cell belongs to my work and I don't think they would like that.

    however if you have a cell number I can text you (using gmail) and let you know the moment (and by moment I mean some time within the first 48 hours) max is born.

    so if you want a text from us make sure we have your mobil number

  13. the one nurse said 8lbs as her guess so who knows as for the length I'm guessing 22.4

    tyson and dee I got your text and will text you when things happen

  14. I only have a weak signal here of the internet so if the updates stop it's either because things are happening or my signal is gone

  15. How is Carrie holding up?
    Do you guys have a middle name yet?

  16. she's a little tired but says she is doing good

    Maximilian Haije Campbell

  17. pushing is a couple of minutes

  18. Okay, then I will just wait. I was going to get on here and say I needed to get to bed, but I will wait a little longer. Things like this don't come around every day.

  19. Well, no!! Carrie's job right now is the hardest part.

  20. So either you have lost your internet signal or you are helping Carrie push. Hope things are going well.

  21. Length/Weight/Time Predictions:
    Trish: 20.5 inches / 7lbs 11ozs / 2:00am
    Bryan: 21.0 inches / 7lbs 14ozs / 2:33am

    Just for the record...

  22. he's HERE

    I'll post more in a little bit

  23. okay so I have a moment to type so here are the numbers that you are all looking for

    born 1:24am January 27 2009 9lbs 14oz we don't know a length yet.

    thank you all for your love and support

    We miss you all

    don't worry the next post will have photos

  24. oh I should also mention that in our new room there is no (internet) signal so I won't be able to update unless I go to the lobby. that means updates will be slower coming

  25. Congratulations!!!!!


    Robert, Rebecca, Brandon and Zach

  26. Awesome!!!! We are so excited. Carrie, you did great. We are so happy to hear that Max is finally here. Can't wait for the photos.

  27. I want to know where you hid all that baby. That is a very nice size baby. Now get some sleep, both of you.

  28. Holy crap! Almost a 10 pound baby! Wow, I hope you are getting a lot of rest and enjoying your little Max! Give him lots of kisses from us! We can't wait to see pictures! We love you guys!

  29. hello world (max typed that)
