Saturday, August 1, 2009


This past week we tried swimming with Max. I think the water may have been too cold for him.

two videos in a row, you had better leave a comment this time Robert. :)


  1. oh yah, and the blog looks cool...

  2. Too cute and funny! Sorry Max that I got a good laugh at the expense of you being cold.
    What are you guys feeding him?? He's getting so big!
    Maybe next week you should teach him how to do a cannonball or maybe next year would be better; when he's a little older.
    Miss you guys!

  3. I have missed so much being a slacker and all. oh i just want to hug you all i miss you so much!!

  4. Ok so I am leaving you a note on the videos. Thank you for posting so we can see your amazing little man. Look out Michael Phelps and the Larson girls! I think you need to get him a LZR suit and then he will like the water because Canadian water is so cold!!!!

  5. Way cute, and Carrie I hope I look that amazing in a bathing suit after I have a kid too!!!


  6. The underwater shot would be so cool. Just need to blow in his face to get him to hold his breath and then take the plung. I think you're right though water temperature makes a huge difference for enjoyment. Fun to see everybody.
