Saturday, October 9, 2010

Family Photo

Figured it was about time we took a new family photo. I'm still trying to figure out this whole portrait photography thing. Yes I know the shadows are too harsh, it's noisy, not very sharp and the composition is lacking, but I'm posting the pic anyway. :)

family of four


  1. Your being to harsh on yourself, it's a GREAT FAMILY picture! Love you all!

  2. You're too kind Sarah. Thank you.

    Or was it Cameron that posted the comment? Either way, thanks.

    We love you guys too.

  3. I live this picture! And those shirts are too cute!

  4. Yeah, uh! Delete the "when" from my last comment and it will read better.

  5. I love the look on Max's face! You guys are awesome!!! Um, not sure what you mean by noisy cause when I don't hear anything coming from it. HAHAHA!!! Love ya!!!!!
