Monday, November 7, 2011

Toronto Island

Thought it would be fun to take the bike down to the island and walk around with the camera. There was a little light, very light drizzle, but Carrie assured me it would be okay. So off I went. Well it wasn't so okay. After arriving at the docks and seeing all the people getting off the ferry were soaking wet, I thought I had missed the worst of it and I decided to go ahead and get on the boat to the island. Walked around a bit then thought it was time to start heading back. Just switched from the 70-200 over to the 8-16mm and that must have been the cue for the heavens to open, cause ten minutes after I did the rain started. I went running for shelter and quickly got the camera in the bag. Then threw my jacket over the backpack to help keep the rain off my gear. In the end I was soaked, completely soaked. The camera however was dry. Two minutes after I was on my bike headed home the rain stopped. By the time I was home I was nearly dry.



  1. Nice pictures. I may have to use one or two as my computer wallpaper.

  2. Thanks

    let me know which one(s) you like and I email you a higher res image

  3. Ha I thought you were about to say "Let me know which ones and I will be sure to charge you a royalty."

  4. I was waiting to spring that on him after he said what pictures he was interested in ;)
