Saturday, October 6, 2012

Barton's Visit to TO

A while back the Barton's came up to visit us for a few days. We had a fantastic time while they were here and would like to extend a formal invitation for them, or any of the other readers of this blog, (even if you stumbled onto this blog by accident or don't know us) to come visit us. Thanks again Barton's for coming us to see us.

These pictures are all out of order and I can't be bothered putting them in order so skip along with us and see where we went.

Max totally ignoring the dragon behind him. He was too busy with the "info phone" telling him all about Casa Loma. 

Zach wasn't content with being at the highest floor in the tallest tower of the old home so he decided to climb up some pipes.

One last flight of stairs, come on Robert you can do it.

The long walk back down from the tower

Casa Loma (see the windows at the very top, that's where we were)

Okay before R&R say "wait a minute, we never played in the sand at the ROM" that is correct these pics were taken on a previous visit to the ROM but I decided to include them in here since we all did visit the ROM

a random shot while at the ROM

Playing at a park

Looking through the glass floor of the CN Tower

All aboard the subway

Leaving the train stop

now at the ROM again Max immediately ran over to this picture and tried give the dino a hug

one of the rooms at the ROM

Max got to this dino too and I think that little girl behind him was waiting to say hi to the dino before Max got there first.

The dino was so cute and cuddly that even Robert couldn't resist her charm

Zach I told you I would get a shot of you

this is what I was normally getting when trying to take a photo of Zach

Out to dinner (Max took this photo with my camera)

Standing on the glass floor

Max on the glass floor

can I get seven hotdogs please

eating street meat

back up the tower

And that pretty much wraps up the Barton's visit. (or at least my photo's of their visit)


  1. Thanks again for having us. I will have to steal some of your pictures of the trip since they actually have all of us in them at the same time. I also didn't end up with any pictures of you and Carrie. We will have to plan a trip to only Canada next time.

  2. It was our pleasure, come back anytime. Max still talks about his cousin Zach.

    If you want some higher res photos let me know and I'll email you some. the photos here are only 800px at the largest side.
