Recently we had a friend of ours visit and it wasn't until then that we realized that we really needed a new toilet. The old one would have trouble filling up the tank. So if someone used the toilet during the middle of the night it wold run and run till you went back and giggled the handle. Aside from that the old one had mold growing in the underside of the tank and it was stained. (that's all I'm going to say about that) So we needed a new one. After dropping Daniel off at the airport, Carrie Max and I went over to the Home Depot and picked out a shinny new toilet, and one of those fancy soft close seats.
Having never removed or installed a toilet before the first thing I did was NOT look at the instructions. I find it much more fun to read them once you are finished and see if their method was as good as the one you worked out for yourself. I will say that removing an old toilet was one of the more disgusting things I have ever done. Removing the old wax I wore two pair of gloves and once I was finished with everything I washed my hands 3 or 4 times then took a shower. I still didn't think I was clean but didn't want to waste any more water. I also, and this has never happened before, disinfected my tools when I was finished with them. The bathroom floor and the tub got a once over with Comet, (go ahead and sing the song if you want) and some Mr. Clean wipes.
It was all worth it though. Having done the toilet I now want to redo the rest of the bathroom. Maybe that will be next Christmas.



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