We were thinking about going down town to see the torch, until we looked on line and saw the route map. The Torch was going to pass right by our place. So we waited for the torch to get here then went outside to see it. As we drew closer to the street we heard the crowd starting to get louder. So I began to run with Max in his stroller we caught up to the torch and I began taking photos. I thought I would try for a zoomed in shot and that is when I noticed that I had set the camera to manual focus. What else could I do but start running again to catch up to the torch. Luckily there was an exchange of the flame just up the road so I was able to catch up to them. This time the photos where in focus.
here is a map of the torch's route.

And here is a picture of the exchange.

Cool. I wish I had taken the time to see cool stuff like this when the Olympics were here. Can't wait to see you guys. Hope all goes well with the flight, snow and all.