Friday, December 16, 2011

A Knight and a Princess

 That would be a Jedi Knight and Princess Leia.

What better costumes could there be better for a brother and sister.

Max was supposed to be Luke but he kept saying he was Obi

He is telling his sister that everything will be okay. She was not so happy to be getting into her costume.

Little snot nose Ev as Princess Leia

Once we got outside Ev did not want to be up in anyones arms. She wanted to run with everyone else. She even had a minor freakout when we told her we had to go back inside. They both came back with a full bag of candy. (I'm still working on eating all the goodies they brought back)

Oh by the way, both costumes were home made by Carrie. Evelyn's costume was such a hit that she had people taking photos of her and one old lady that just needed to show her to her husband because she was sooooooo cute.

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